Our Services

How we help


Ministry Incubators offers coaching, consulting, online courses, project management, launch events and more to help hatch your wild ideas.


What Ministry Incubators offers

We’ve worked with everyone from food trucks to to denominational conferences to create custom, practical solutions to help them launch and sustain innovative ideas. Reach out and we can offer the right fit for you. 

Individual Coaching

Ministry Incubators’ innovation coaches walk alongside innovators in every step of their journey. 

Project Management

Ministry Incubators’ skilled project managers work alongside busy leaders to help get their project from dream to done.


Ministry Incubators invites teams of innovators to participate in 2-day incubator events to workshop and pitch their ideas alongside experts. Learn more about our Hatchathons!


A package for ministry innovators that includes a combination of onsite gatherings, cohorts, and coaching


Ministry Incubators offers a variety of cohort experiences for leaders to learn together in weekly sessions.

custom events

Does your team need something different? We offer custom solutions and offerings for organizations of any size.


Interested in a DIY approach?

Ministry Incubators offers several self-guided options for those looking to innovate, including our Starter Suite video course! This well-produced, informative course includes sessions on healthy rhythms, revenue streams, and the secrets to a great launch!

Sessions are led by ministry leaders such as Mark DeVries, Kenda Creasy Dean, Trey Wince and more! 


Charge Forward

Feeling playful?

Use these games, created by Dr. Mandy Drury and Discipleship by Design to inspire innovative thinking in your ministry. 

The two sessions on Multiple Streams of Income was awe-inspiring. This has been the missing link in the ability to bring our ideas to fruition!

Starter Suite Customer

Let’s Talk

Our team would love to reach out for a free consultation on how we can help.
