We often create customized events to meet a sponsoring organization’s particular needs, timeframes, or learning objectives. To create a tailor-made speaking event, workshop, or training clinic, etc., contact us here.
“Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go directly to Kenda and Mark at Ministry Incubators for an innovation launching process that is beyond belief. They listen and are a quick study. They bring just as much fun as they bring expertise. Going above and beyond is their middle name, with details, design, communication, ideas, everything. We had the unique situation of being their first youth Hatchathon and pitch event ever. And then Covid hit. The way they pivoted to create new virtual events was a sight to behold: bold creativity and sophisticated technology combined with faith at the center. Anyone who can keep teenagers delightfully engaged in a Zoom call for seven hours on a Saturday earns a top spot on my list of most awesome people in the world. So what are you waiting for?” —Kim Jones, Director of Engagement and Changemaking Initiatives, Los Altos United Methodist Church, Silicon Valley