Mark Wahlberg’s 40-Day Challenge

Mark Wahlberg’s 40-Day Challenge

You may have seen a screenshot floating around the internet of Mark Wahlberg on the Today Show from this past Wednesday. He’s describing a Lenten prayer practice he’s adopting and the lower third title card says “Mark Wahlberg’s 40 Day Challenge.” I can’t count the...
Giving up on the ‘Good Ole Days’

Giving up on the ‘Good Ole Days’

When Rev. Tim Jackson was appointed to lead Vestal United Methodist Church and Magnolia Avenue United Methodist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, they were dying congregations whose buildings were empty most of the time.  Vestal UMC had a Christian education building...
100+ Ideas Not to Try

100+ Ideas Not to Try

Ministry Incubators’ newest product offering is the Hatch Deck. Developed by Rev. Dr. Kenda Creasy Dean and her team at Princeton Theological Seminary, the Hatch Deck is a deck of over 100 cards describing missional innovation ideas which we don’t think you...


I can’t remember the last time my phone wasn’t on silent. I, like many people, at some point in the mid-2000s, switched from turning my phone to vibrate in movie theaters to only turning it off vibrate in very specific circumstances. Why? Because...