Go Bananas!

Go Bananas!

America’s pastime is one of the least popular sports on national television, and one of the lowest attended major league sports. Why? It’s often just not that fun to watch.  The particularities of the statistics and rules of the game mean that often the best...
You Know More than You Think

You Know More than You Think

There was a high school teacher who taught his students a call and response in his high school chemistry class. “What do you do when we encounter a problem we don’t know?” He would ask them, “Don’t panic!” They would shout in reply. “Why?”“Because you know more than...
Planting Garlic

Planting Garlic

A small church in Salt Lake City is living off its reserves and, with less than two years of money left, has decided its best course of action is to plant some garlic. The church is a multi-cultural, multi-lingual congregation of two distinct pacific islander...
The Plywood Palace: Constraint and Invention

The Plywood Palace: Constraint and Invention

During World War II, the until-then introverted and relatively inconsequential United States found itself a warehouse of military production and invention. Engineers and military leaders were trying to build their way out of the war. The advances made during this...