


Hatchlings is our blog dedicated to inspirational client stories and big ideas in ministry innovation. From astrophysics to farming to the church down the street, we believe that God-breathed, wild ideas can come from anywhere. 

Interview with Mike Baughman

Mark and I had the privilege of writing the forward for Mike Baughman’s new book, Flipping Church (Discipleship Resources, 2016). Flipping Church shares stories from church planters who did (and, mostly, didn’t) follow standard advice as they launched “start-up...

Places that Inspire Us #1

Work of the People is the brainchild of filmmaker and visual liturgist Travis Reed (whose own faith story should probably be a movie of its own). An “ecumenical platform that produces and publishes multimedia to stir imagination, spark discussion, and move people...

Packing for Spain: The Blessings of Plan B

By: Kenda Creasy Dean So here’s how Trey Wince, my pastor, started our church staff meeting today. Anything seem odd, he asked, about these words from Paul, directed to the church at Rome? Now, with no further place for me in these regions, I desire—as I have for so...

There’s a parable about this… do business gurus know that?

Check out Seth Godin's post, "Getting ahead vs. doing good" on his blog. It makes us wonder whether business gurus like Seth know that there is a parable about this very concept. For those of you following the blog, we mentioned Seth Godin as one of the “people who...

People Who Inspire Us #6

Michael Volland: Anglican priest and longtime member of Christian Surfers UK, Volland serves as the director of context-based training at Ridley Hall, Cambridge University. His most recent book is The Minister as an Entrepreneur (SPCK, 2015). Here is where you can...

Meet a Missional Entrepreneur: Rev. Mike Baughman

Rev. Mike Baughman is the founding pastor and Community Curator at Union, a coffee shop/hub of generosity and community in Dallas, TX. If you happened to walk by, you’d see that Union looks and acts like a buzzing coffee shop on the edge of Southern Methodist...