Rev. Mike Baughman is the founding pastor and Community Curator at Union, a coffee shop/hub of generosity and community in Dallas, TX. If you happened to walk by, you’d see that Union looks and acts like a buzzing coffee shop on the edge of Southern Methodist University. In addition to serving as a “hub of generosity,” for the surrounding community, Union hosts a worshipping community, a storytelling stage, and—once a month—a cape-making factory that makes superhero capes for kids in local hospitals. They’re delivered in person by superheroes (okay, they might be SMU students, but if Flash shows up at your bedside wearing spandex and a mask, who’s to argue?).
Find out more about Rev. Mike Baughman and Union on their website or watch the video below. Mike also has a new book coming out soon entitled, Flipping Church: How Successful Church Planters are Turning Conventional Wisdom Upside Down
For further inspiration and to help get your nascent idea off the ground, attend one of our upcoming events:
February 25-27, 2016
Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center
Lake Junaluska, NC
$255 per person*
Register here
March 2-4, 2016
Institute for Youth Ministry
Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton, NJ
$369 per person*
Register here