


Hatchlings is our blog dedicated to inspirational client stories and big ideas in ministry innovation. From astrophysics to farming to the church down the street, we believe that God-breathed, wild ideas can come from anywhere. 



Last week, I wrote about the wonder of losing yourself in something every once in a while, and the beauty of being all-in. Sometimes. So I wanted to take a moment and talk about the other side of the coin, of how sometimes that total devotion even to the things of God...

Swiftie Spirituality

Swiftie Spirituality

Transcendent experiences can break through the thick crust of every day and warm a part of us we keep hidden. A part of us that desperately desires to get swept away in something, to lose ourselves

The Justice Imagination Lab

The Justice Imagination Lab

Sometimes the most significant barrier between where we are and where we’re being called to go is simply a lack of imagination. We get easily sucked into patterns of what is and what always has been, so when we see an invitation to new work we are called into, we...

Great is Good, Repeatable

Great is Good, Repeatable

In high school, I was in color guard - not the military kind, the flag twirling kind. If you’re not from an area where this kind of thing is big, color guards perform as part of marching bands and dance and spin and throw flags, rifles, sabres, and sometimes batons....

Compelling Preaching

Compelling Preaching

Preaching is one of the oldest and most fundamental responsibilities of a church leader, but it’s worth taking a moment to consider what it’s actually meant to do.

The Hope of Seatbelts

The Hope of Seatbelts

In 2009, the Institute for Highway Safety staged a now-viral video where they crashed a 1959 Chevy Bel-Air into a 2009 Chevy Malibu. The point of the video, once it can be heard over the anguish of classic car enthusiasts, is that the very same accident that would...