“I’d love to have a coach, but I just can’t afford it.”

written by Mark DeVries
3 · 03 · 15

There are a lot of excuses for not building coaches into our lives.

One of my favorites is, “Sure, I’d love to have a coach, but I just can’t afford it.”

So…start with what you can afford.

If that’s nothing, ask 10 people you respect to give you a little coaching on a project you are working on (or on your soul).   I’ll guarantee that 2 of them will say yes (if they don’t, I’ll give you a little coaching myself!).

I have coaches I pay (my counselor, for example).  But when I first started building my team of coaches, every coach was a volunteer.

  • I’d find someone doing great youth ministry, and I’d take them to coffee every few months.
  • I’d find someone building great businesses, and buy them lunch.
  • I’d meet someone with a resonant faith and joyful countenance, and we’d meet together.

Some of the relationships became on-going, formal relationships.  Some were one-off meetings that helped me move the needle in some area of my life.

So take a quick inventory for yourself:

How many coaches would you like to have in what areas of your life?  How many do you actually have?  What are you going to do about it today?


Mark DeVries

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