Meet Anto Ficatier, Business Development Strategist

12 · 07 · 17
Today, we’d like to introduce you to Antonin Ficatier, our Ministry Incubators Business Development Strategist! In this role, Anto works alongside Permissionaries Kenda Dean and Mark DeVries to develop the activity of Ministry Incubators. He helps us run the organization by providing marketing, administrative, and development support, and he also works to make sure we remain creative!

Anto lives on an island in the Hong Kong Bay, and he reports that he and his wife absolutely love it. He takes a 30-minute ferry every morning to go to work. He only drinks black tall Americanos from Starbucks, and has a passion for entrepreneurship, theology, youth culture, and the unplugging movement (fighting addiction to mobile devices). He loves working with youth and currently serves as the Youth Director of Union Church Hong Kong.

A serious globe-trotter, Anto is originally from France and holds degrees in economics, international business, theology and Christian education from institutions in China (Beijing), France (Paris, Strasbourg), and the United States (Princeton). An experienced entrepreneur, he founded Chinese Institute in 2011, which is today one of France’s leading training centers for teaching Chinese. He is also a regular contributor to the blog Kindred Youth Ministry.

Anto says, “What I love about Ministry Incubators is this combination of ministry and business skills. I was in business before being a minister and I never thought I could combine the two! I am also a big fan of creative thinking, which is really in line with Ministry Incubators’s motto ‘to help creative people and congregations transform harebrained ideas for ministry into sustainable social enterprises.'”

We’re grateful to have Anto as a member of our excellent team!

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