Ministry Incubators Welcomes Trey Wince as Project Director

8 · 01 · 19

On August 1, Trey Wince—who has served with Ministry Incubators our the past three years as a permissionary and coach—will become Ministry Incubators’ first Project Director and Senior Sales Whisperer.  Most recently, Trey served as Director of New Disciples for the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference, where he still works half time.  He has been a church planter, consultant, pastor, and chief curator of wild ideas at Princeton United Methodist Church and Kingston United Methodist Church in New Jersey.  Before seminary, Trey served as a college ministry director working with students at Vanderbilt, Belmont, and Lipscomb Universities; as Director of Young Adult Ministries at First Presbyterian Church in Nashville; and as international missions coordinator with Joshua Expeditions (#whatyoudowithanEnglishdegreefromBaylor). He received his M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, and is known for teaching on whatever he saw last on Animal Planet.  He believes in small wins, and that taking care of small stuff allows churches and church leaders to dream about the big stuff. Trey’s superpower is Debbie; they are the besotted parents of two young boys, Liam and Jack.

Trey helped mastermind the new and improved Hatchathon 2.0.  Look for him at the New York Annual Conference Intergenerational Hatchathon, Oct. 11-13, 2019.  You can reach him at


Ministry Incubators

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