New Futures for the Post-Pandemic Church: A Continued Conversation with Kenda Creasy Dean and Paul Nixon

5 · 18 · 21

Thursday, May 27, 2021
4:00-5:15 pm (Eastern) • via Zoom

Last June, in the midst of a terrifying pandemic and countrywide protests against police violence, the BTS Center invited Paul Nixon and Kenda Creasy Dean to share their insights about what the future held for post-pandemic faith communities, as we all looked forward to the day when everything could “return to normal.” 

A year later, with a new normal still out of our reach, they’re inviting them back to check in on the predictions they made a year ago, to share what this last year has taught them, and to hear their dreams and challenges for faith communities in the wake of COVID-19.

Come to join a frank and hopeful discussion about the path forward for the post-pandemic church.


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