PSA: You are Necessary

11 · 21 · 22

This is a Public Service Announcement to remind you that YOU are necessary.  YOU. ARE. NECESSARY.  Please feel free to reread those three words as much as you need to so that they sink in, deeply.  


In the hustle and bustle of life, I can only imagine how transactional life can seem.  We run from here to there trying to make ends meet or trying to make a difference or just trying to make it.  And in all of that running, I want you to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that YOU. ARE. NECESSARY.  I do not know if all that running you are doing is, but YOU are. 

This is what I believe the author of 1 Corinthians 12 is trying to convey to the ancient recipients and what we can glean today.  Everyone has a part in the body of Christ and we need all parts to work together for the benefit and blessing of the whole. 

I have read this chapter many times along my journey and one of the verses that struck me today as I read it was 1 Corinthians 12:7:

A demonstration of the Spirit is given to EACH person to produce what is beneficial.

1 Corinthians 12:7

Before he outlines the gifts and ministries in this chapter, he offers this overarching statement to remind us that EVERY ONE of us is necessary.  There is no need to compete. There is no need to deny your gifts or the gifts of others.  There is no need to disparage any gifts or ministries.  We ALL have something to contribute to the whole body.  We all are beneficial to the whole body.  We all benefit from the whole body.  God made sure of that.

This connection is beautiful and beneficial and YOU are welcome.

You do not have to wonder IF you belong, You do.

You do not have to wonder IF you matter.  You do.

You do not have to wonder IF you are gifted.  You are.

A demonstration of the Spirit is given to EACH person to produce what is beneficial.

Friends, YOU are necessary.  So, live your life for the benefit of your brothers and sisters and siblings in Christ and hopefully, we will do the same for you.  And working together, I pray that we experience the production of what is beneficial to the body as a witness to the world.

God LOVES You and I Do Too!!!

Blessings, Glory, and Sunshine!



Delesslyn Kennebrew

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