The Try Pie Factor

7 · 27 · 15

trypie1_slide2Congratulations to Aquayla, one of the five original Try Pie teens, on her high school graduation this Spring and for her full-time work at a care facility in our community! When asked what job skills she gained in Try Pie that she has taken into her new job, Aquayla mentioned, “I learned how important a smile is and to always be honest and responsible.”

Aquayla also shared that financial lessons taught in Try Pie were critically important for her. “I learned how to budget, save money, and to give. I’m currently working with one of our Try Pie adults to set up a plan for my paychecks at this new job.”

Cooperation skills were also another take-away for Aquayla. “I learned a bit more about how to cooperate with people when you might not all agree.” She mentioned that having a good attitude goes a long way in preventing potential conflicts.

Another highlight during Aquayla’s time with Try Pie is that she got to take her first flight on an airplane to Hartford, CT, to attend a CCDA intensive on “Listening to the Community” that was being facilitated by Laura Hoy. Laura certainly appreciated the companionship and assistance that Aquayla provided on the trip, and Aquayla got to learn more about the philosophy of Christian Community Development.

What did Aquayla love most about Try Pie? “I loved that it’s a business but that we also formed a close bond with one another.” And of course, making and eating her favorite kind of pie- PECAN- was also a sweet experience!


Ministry Incubators

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