Thinking Through the Story of Your Missional Enterprise: A Snippet from Noodlings

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Our Hatch-a-thons can help you think through the vision for your missional enterprise, from developing your ideas to actually putting them into action, including important nuts-and-bolts details along the way! Here’s a snippet from the Hatch-a-thon workbook Noodlings to help you get started. If you are interested in learning more, you can find more information about and sign up for the next Hatch-a-thon coming up March 29-31 here.

 Your “theological story” is a short, comprehensive statement of where your vision is going and why you’re going there as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Here are some prompts to help you articulate the theological narrative for your missional enterprise:


1. Why do you care about this enterprise so much?


 2. Where does God already seem to be at work in the world that suggests a connection to your project?


 3. What openings of grace do you see happening right now that make you think:
  • Now may be God’s time for this venture
  • Now may be the time in my life for this venture
  • God may be preparing me to initiate this venture
 4. How are we to discern the movement of the Spirit toward this enterprise? For example:
  • What convinces me that the energy for this venture comes from God rather than from missional trendiness?
  • Which of my gifts does this venture call forth/utilize for Christ’s purposes?
  • How will I know I’m relying on Jesus Christ and not on myself?
 5. Pull your narrative all together into a single story, using this outline, only if necessary:
  • I first noticed this problem when…
  • I realized we could do something when…
  • I am passionate about being personally involved in this project because…
  • Do you know about (the problem)? I hope to (your offering) so that (result).
Hungry for more? Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date on our latest blogs and Ministry Incubators news! Or, are you ready to take action? Think about attending a Hatch-a-thon where you can start planning your own venture! Check out the next one happening March 29-31 at Princeton Theological Seminary.

Ministry Incubators

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