Weekly Round-up

10 · 13 · 16

photo-1418479631014-8cbf89db3431_2This week features some incredible articles from some thought leaders and pioneers behind social impact and entrepreneurship. Check out this week’s update and re-post your favorites (and let us know when you do)! We’re excited to explore the latest and greatest in the field with you, and would love to hear what you think about the pieces. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date on all the latest news from our team.

  1. Part of the beauty behind a great product or service is a well-designed user experience. This takes the focus of company leadership away from just designing a cool item and toward designing an experience that is enjoyable and memorable. Check out this article by +Acumen from one of their recent entrepreneurship classes.
  2. Our companies are poised to be some of the greatest influencers of culture and city renewal over the next decade. Conscious Company discusses inner city growth from an entrepreneurial focus and why it matters for our communities.
  3. Want to explore social impact design for your idea and don’t know where to start? Download this free tool kit to learn the how-to behind conducting field-testing, interviews, and other design skills.
  4. Ever get overwhelmed when it comes to applying for grant funding? Never fear, REDF provides a great overview of what you need to apply and when you know you’re ready to put in the work.
  5. Introducing social enterprise into your life demands the constant stream of creativity and adaptability, something that can easily get forgotten in busy times. This list features a few healthy habits to maintain your creative flow.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

The Ministry Incubators Team


Ministry Incubators

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