No Lone Rangers: Part 5

No Lone Rangers: Part 5

We have spent the last four weeks establishing the basics of an innovation team: why you need one, how to build one, how to equip one, how to use one, and finally, we’ll cover how to make it work for you long-term. One of our co-founders, Mark DeVries, wrote this book...
No Lone Rangers: Part 4

No Lone Rangers: Part 4

Over the last three weeks, we’ve been talking about innovation teams – why you need them, how to assemble them, and how to equip them. But now that you have this team – what do you do with them? Here, it bears a moment of reflection back to our first entry...
No Lone Rangers: Part 3

No Lone Rangers: Part 3

As a parent of toddlers, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the ways we teach people what we expect of them. How do people learn to share, take turns, have a conversation? How do we learn what our role is in a family, in a community?  There are so many parts...
No Lone Rangers: Part 2

No Lone Rangers: Part 2

This is the second post in a series. Read the first post here. In Silicon Valley, there is this persistent mythic character: the Founder. Someone like Steve Jobs who is seen as brilliant, innovative, visionary, independent. These lone savant, millionaire,...
No Lone Rangers: Part 1

No Lone Rangers: Part 1

I remember a meeting where where clergy I worked with were bemoaning the reality that as soon as our confirmation class was over, half of our confirmands were never seen again. They said, “We need to do something to increase our retention.”  They looked at...