Consider the Lillies

Consider the Lillies

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.” Matthew 25: 28-29 Predictable and unbelievable as ever, the seasons have turned over again and...
Holy Week, Unplanned

Holy Week, Unplanned

If I had to guess, we’ll have a few less readers than usual this week, because all of our friends and coconspirators who are leading churches are pretty busy. Its Holy Week – the week leading up to Easter, and probably the most sacred week of the year in...
Being Wrong

Being Wrong

Church leaders are great at nuance. Anyone who went to seminary, or has spent significant time in the church, has learned how to sit in gray areas, to accept the messy, complex, beautiful truth of God’s work in the world, to point to the Holy Spirit at all times....
Out of Frame

Out of Frame

CW: This post contains references to gun violence and domestic violence. I was listening to a podcast the other day about a man who was shot. The gunshot was an accident, and it happened decades ago, when he was hanging out with some friends. One of them was admiring...
The Missing Cockroaches

The Missing Cockroaches

There is some evidence to suggest that, in the last 30 years, there has been up to a 90% decrease in the cockroach population of New York City, and similar declines in Chicago, LA, and most other major American cities. This kind of thing is a bit hard to study because...