Because We All Need Some Inspiration Right Now

12 · 18 · 15

PEOPLE WHO INSPIRE US – We think they’ll maximize your creativity, because they sure do a number on ours

Whether you are planning a dozen worship services, preparing for Christmas parties or working on finals, this is the time in Advent when we all need just a little bit of inspiration to help us get through the season. To help inspire you, we will be posting a list of a few of the people who inspire us. This is where we really need a massive Google doc, because you have your go-to “creativity maximizers” too. Feel free to shoot us an email or leave a comment with the people and sites that get your creative juices flowing, so we can check them out. We’ll update this list and repost it from time to time. Stay tuned for more creative and inspiring people and places!



Jonny Baker:


jonnyPhotographer, blogger, author, director of Proost (“a small creative company which produces inspiring resources that fuel faith”) and director of mission education for the Anglican Church Mission Society. Jonny also masterminded the Anglican pioneer training movement, a leadership development system for missional entrepreneurs in the UK. Every time I think I have had a new idea for the church, Jonny has had it first…and twenty years ago.

Here is where you can connect with Jonny:


For further inspiration and to help get your nascent idea off the ground, attend one of our upcoming events:

The Elephant in the Sanctuary
The Woodlands United Methodist Church

The Woodlands, TX
Cost is $10.00
Register Register and pay online


Lake Junaluska Conference and Retreat Center

Lake Junaluska, NC
$255 per person*
Register here


Institute for Youth Ministry

Princeton Theological Seminary
Princeton, NJ
$369 per person*
Register here

If you are:

  • An early stage missional entrepreneur or ministry innovator…
  • A church leader with an idea for sustainable ministry that you want to test out…
  • Someone convinced that we’re called follow Christ into the neediest corners of the earth, even when the budget makes that look impossible…

…then this event is for you.



Ministry Incubators

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