No One Knows What They’re Doing

No One Knows What They’re Doing

I am friends with exactly two people who make their living as social media influencers. One is a sorority sister who is a fashion blogger in Dallas, and one is a film and video game critic who runs a youtube channel with hundreds of thousands of followers. Mikey, the...
Give it Time

Give it Time

I am a new parent (to twins, nonetheless), and the people most acutely aware of the struggles, hopes, and aspirations that entail are my ad algorithms. I have never felt as deeply seen by targeted advertisements as I have in the past 8 weeks. My feed is just blissful,...
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2023

New Year’s Resolutions or No? Greetings ministry partners, we have been blessed to enter into another year. Over time, it became popular for people to come up with New Year’s resolutions. Those who make resolutions generally seek to make important changes...
Ego Death

Ego Death

Ego I was a youth pastor for most of my 20s. And I was all in on being a youth pastor. I got a graduate degree in youth ministry, where I met many of my close friends, who are also youth pastors. I read books, attended and spoke at conferences, and was fluent in the...
How to be Luckier

How to be Luckier

Unlucky I spoke with a new leader at a church last week who expressed her frustration that she never caught a lucky break, that every victory she had won had been so hard fought, and how it hadn’t felt like that at the last place she worked.  We’ve all...
Chaos Theory

Chaos Theory

Back to Normal So much of the church dialogue of the past year or so has focused on “back to normal” – we wanted to go back to our pre-pandemic numbers, our pre-pandemic programming, and our pre-pandemic life. We wanted something that felt more stable and didn’t...