Messy Advent

Messy Advent

I wonder where we got the expectation that things going well equated to things going smoothly. That a successful event or program meant one that had no hiccups, reschedules, unexpected challenges, or even catastrophic failures. When we are asked how our holiday went,...
Art World & Our World

Art World & Our World

I will admit that I have never been an art gal. In an art museum I rely heavily on the little signs explaining what makes a piece of art “good” or special, or in the case of a lot of contemporary art, what I’m even supposed to be looking for. I don’t scoff at abstract...
12 Problems

12 Problems

Physicist, Nobel Prize winner, and notably multidisciplinary genius Richard Fenyman credited some of his brilliance to a strange habit of keeping a list of his “12 favorite problems”  – 12 open-ended, largely unsolvable problems that just simmered,...
Between the Lines

Between the Lines

On Sunday, I had the chance to listen to a local cinematographer, and he said something that’s been rattling around in my head since. It was on how a cinematographer reads a script. For those uninitiated in the film world, like myself, a cinematographer is like...
The Last Shakers

The Last Shakers

The Shakers were one of the most influential Christian movements in the United States in the nineteenth century. A charismatic sect of the Quakers, the Shakers believed in realizing the Second Coming of Christ through working towards more perfect societies. Shakers...
Building Arks in our Spare Time

Building Arks in our Spare Time

One of the most fun parts of my work with Ministry Incubators is the opportunity I have to lead an “Innovator’s Cohort” through Hood Theological Seminary, alongside my friend and colleague Kerwin. The cohort is made of church leaders who are all looking to do...