Project Funding Within the United Methodist Church

10 · 05 · 17

For the last couple of weeks, we have been talking quite a bit about finding funding for your project. If you missed those posts, we talked about a couple different sources of funding. You can find those posts here and here.

If you weren’t already aware, Ministry Incubators’ cofounder and Permissionary Kenda Creasy Dean, is an ordained United Methodist minister and has tons of experience helping organizations navigate the institutional landscape of the UMC. When asked out funding for burgeoning organizations in the UMC, she acknowledges that it can oftentimes be difficult to find the right person to talk to. In her words, “it’s super capricious!” But, if you are in the UMC, her advise is to first talk with your conference office. There should be someone in charge of developing new churches, new ministries, and/or new disciples. National programs can be a possibility as well, but they tend to come and go.

If you need further help, feel free to let us know!

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