Presence, or Process? – Why They Each Matter

Presence, or Process? – Why They Each Matter

By John Harrell Details and Deadlines I once served in a ministry that involved managing lots of details on tight deadlines across long days, occasionally for weeks at a time. Not long into that period, some of the people on my team came to me and said, “We love you;...
Three Games for an Honest Conversation

Three Games for an Honest Conversation

We’ve all been in a council meeting, team huddle, or quarterly review where it seems like everyone is so afraid of having a real conversation that nothing gets said. Platitudes and polite deference can keep us from making real progress by glossing over points of...
Funerals, Potlucks, and the Ripple Effect

Funerals, Potlucks, and the Ripple Effect

The problems we are the most passionate about are often the ones we are least able to see clearly. We can spend so much time in the minutia, in the nuance, of a large, complex problem, that we lose the thread of what we’re really trying to accomplish. Instead of...

Drowning in Details? Maybe We Can Surf Instead

Task management can be discipleship By John Harrell, Ministry Incubators Staff It was a typical weeknight shortly after Ana and I were married and we had just finished inching our little car home through the molasses of Seattle traffic. We had no way of knowing that...

Some COVID-19 Resources for Entrepreneurs

As we wait for the dust to settle from COVID-19, here are some resources to help entrepreneurs to know what resources are available to help make it through the quarantine on their feet. We commend both of them to you! Our compliments to the Duke School of Business and...