Weekly Round-up – November 3

11 · 03 · 16

november-3rd-blogAnother great week of learning together in our online communities about all the emerging trends in the social impact world. Our team had a great discussion this week about upcoming resource development, and we can’t wait to bring you all the latest thoughts on theology and entrepreneurship!

  1. Want to start a social enterprise, but you’re already balancing a million other things? Or you want a side job, but can barely keep track of your full-time gig? We all can benefit from time management skills, and this article gives some quick tips on balancing time well.
  2. Being a social entrepreneur is much less glamorous than a cool marketing plan and a flashy product line. It is formed on a foundation of good skills and models to build sustainable change.
  3. Need the “Idiots Guide to Starting a Business?” We all need it at some point in the launch and scale process. Skim this easy to follow playbook for all your questions from ideation to growing your company!
  4. Sustainability is not easy in many large sectors of the economy today. See how the fashion industry is attempting to reimagine sustainability.
  5. What’s the difference between social enterprises, B Corps and public benefit corporations? They’re all different concepts that will make you the most educated social entrepreneur at your next dinner party.

Have your idea and are ready to join us at our upcoming Hatchathon? Head over to our contact page to request more information or to register today!

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Ministry Incubators

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