


Hatchlings is our blog dedicated to inspirational client stories and big ideas in ministry innovation. From astrophysics to farming to the church down the street, we believe that God-breathed, wild ideas can come from anywhere. 

Discipleship and Missional Innovation: What’s It Called?

Discipleship and Missional Innovation: What’s It Called?

I spent so long groping for the right words to describe "missional innovation” (I still don’t like the phrase) that it’s easy to feel like no one else in the church “speaks” this language. It goes by many handles: Christian social innovation, faith-based enterprise,...

Spiritual Entrepreneurship: It’s a Full-Blown Movement Now

Spiritual Entrepreneurship: It’s a Full-Blown Movement Now

Christian social innovation, redemptive entrepreneurship, missional innovation, spiritual entrepreneurship – pick your handle – is no longer niche. It’s a full-blown, interfaith movement—and if you’re a Christian social innovator who is curious about learning with social innovators from other faith backgrounds, here’s your chance.

New Resource: The Marshmallow Challenge

Need to kickstart a meeting, get a team into a creative frame of mind, or simply encourage your organization to think about what it takes to dramatically increase innovation? Invest 45 minutes to run a marshmallow challenge! We've just added this great resource by Tom...

New Resource: Theology and Design–Design Synthesis

Here’s the third in our series of blog posts highlighting useful resources, also the third by our friend Bethany Stolle of Stolle Creative, titled “Theology and Design–Design Synthesis”! Bethany is an interaction designer, curriculum developer, and entrepreneur with a...

New Resource: Theology and Design–What is Design Thinking?

We're launching a series of useful resource posts in the coming weeks that we hope will help you in your entrepreneurial pursuits! This first post highlights a great handout by our friend Bethany Stolle of Stolle Creative, titled "Theology and Design--What is Design...