New Resource: Theology and Design–Design Synthesis

3 · 05 · 18

Photo by William Bout

Here’s the third in our series of blog posts highlighting useful resources, also the third by our friend Bethany Stolle of Stolle Creative, titled “Theology and Design–Design Synthesis”! Bethany is an interaction designer, curriculum developer, and entrepreneur with a decade of experience creating physical and digital products for children, youth, and adults.

Here’s a small excerpt: “After designers conduct research, the data must be synthesized to bring clarity out of chaos. The sense-making process lays a foundation for ideation and prototyping. Thorough synthesis can help ministry leaders imagine new possibilities for ministries that are grounded in empathy rather than assumption.”

Be sure to visit the resource page to view/download the entire handout! And, stay tuned for more resources to come!

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