Do you have all kinds of great thoughts and ideas simmering in your head, even concrete plans in various stages? Maybe you feel you could use some help sorting them out, organizing, and knowing what next steps to take and connections to make–how to solidify them and really give them traction? Ministry Incubators offers individualized coaching just for this very purpose!
We recommend coaching for individuals and teams at any stage in their impact enterprise who have a particular issue or concern for which they require outside guidance or skill development. Coaching sessions are conducted in person or by phone, and may involve one or two coaches, depending on the contract. Coaching contracts typically address desired goals. Sessions may be billed hourly or purchased in “bundles” (6 month, 12 month, etc.)
Click here to talk to us about putting your ideas and plans for missional enterprise on a path to success with coaching!
“But,” you say, “I just don’t have the funds for a coach right now!” We get it. In fact, we wrote a blog post for you, too! Check out the ideas in our article, “I’d love to have a coach, but I just can’t afford it.”