


Hatchlings is our blog dedicated to inspirational client stories and big ideas in ministry innovation. From astrophysics to farming to the church down the street, we believe that God-breathed, wild ideas can come from anywhere. 

New Resource: The Marshmallow Challenge

Need to kickstart a meeting, get a team into a creative frame of mind, or simply encourage your organization to think about what it takes to dramatically increase innovation? Invest 45 minutes to run a marshmallow challenge! We've just added this great resource by Tom...

New Resource: Theology and Design–Design Synthesis

Here’s the third in our series of blog posts highlighting useful resources, also the third by our friend Bethany Stolle of Stolle Creative, titled “Theology and Design–Design Synthesis”! Bethany is an interaction designer, curriculum developer, and entrepreneur with a...

New Resource: Theology and Design–What is Design Thinking?

We're launching a series of useful resource posts in the coming weeks that we hope will help you in your entrepreneurial pursuits! This first post highlights a great handout by our friend Bethany Stolle of Stolle Creative, titled "Theology and Design--What is Design...

Ever Wonder What a Hatchathon Actually Is?

If you have heard us talking about "Hatchathon" all over the place but don't really know what it is, here is a presentation that Kenda made for the upcoming Hatchathon with the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church. It explains a little bit...

Meet Anto Ficatier, Business Development Strategist

Today, we'd like to introduce you to Antonin Ficatier, our Ministry Incubators Business Development Strategist! In this role, Anto works alongside Permissionaries Kenda Dean and Mark DeVries to develop the activity of Ministry Incubators. He helps us run the...